Permits, Licenses & Forms


 Building Inspector/Zoning Administrator

Building Inspector/Zoning:  Jason Van Ausdall, CBO  515-850-2980

Email address is

Building permits are available at City Hall 105 E 2nd Street or you may print a Permit Application from this page.

Permits are required for any type of construction including additions, garages, sheds, decks, fences, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing systems.  There different permit applications.  One for Regular Building, Decks, Fences, and Electrical Permits. Trade Permit for plumbing water sewer etc. and a list of Required Inspections, Residential. See below for print outs.

The process for obtaining a permit is as follows:

1.  Pick up, or print out, and complete the appropriate packet completely and return to City Hall.
     Print out the appropriate application packet from Documents:

2.  The Building/Zoning administrator will come and ensure that the Zoning Ordinance is able to be followed and the project will be in compliance with all City Zoning Ordinances in effect.  Work should NOT begin until the permits have been approved and fees paid.

3.  The Building Inspector will then come out and ensure all building regulations are met and is the one that will give you the go ahead to begin work.  No work should begin until all permits have been obtained and paid for in full.  A description of the types of inspections you must have is found on the first two pages of the building permit application packet.

Should your zoning permit be denied you will be given the option to correct any deficiencies and resubmit the application or request a hearing by the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, the cost of a hearing is $50.  You need to fill out a packet of information and have a public hearing on the subject.  If a variance is granted then you may continue to step 3 listed below.

More information can be found in the City of Woodward Code of Ordinances, Zoning Ordinance #269, and Zoning Ordinance #271, Zoning Ordinance 17-380

 Planning & Zoning

Planning and Zoning meet when new zoning or changes to zoning are required.

 Public Works Water, Sewer Connection, Street Permit

Our Public Works Department encompasses all of your Water, Sewer, and Streets activities. 

For information about our Water, Sewer, and Streets see the Code of Ordinances.

At one time or another you may require a Permit for the following:

Water Connection: This permit is required for tying into the City water main.  Used mainly for new construction. 

Sewer Connection:  This permit is required for tying into the City Sanitary Sewer System.  Used mainly for new construction and repair and replacement of Sewer lines where they tie into the City's Sanitary Sewer lines.

Street Permit:  This permit is required any time digging into the city street is required by a citizen or citizen’s agent for installation, repair or replacement of water, sewer, or other utility or purpose.  Fee is in accordance with City Code Chapter 135 paragraph 6:   


 Peddler/Solicitor Permit

The purpose of requiring permits is to protect residents of the City against fraud, unfair competition and intrusion into the privacy of their homes by licensing and regulation of peddlers, solicitors and transient merchants.  Peddler / Solicitor Permits are required by Woodward Code of Ordinance Chapter 122. 

Peddler:  Any person carrying goods to sell door to door or on the public street.

Solicitor:  Anyone soliciting door to door or on any public street for contributions or donations or to order any good, service, or subscription to be delivered at a later date.

Transient Merchant:  Any person who has a temporary or mobile business who hires, leases or occupies a building or operates out of a vehicle parked within the city limits.

Fees for permits are as follows:

Application fee:  $2.00 for each person actually soliciting PLUS

Peddlers and Transient Merchants:  1 Day $5.00, 1 Week $25.00, Up to 6 Months $100.00, Up to 1 Year $175.00

Solicitors:  $10.00 per license (one is required for each person soliciting)

Select the type of Permit you need (Peddler, Solicitor, or Transient Merchant), print and fill out the application form and bring it to city hall.  Applications can also be picked up at City Hall during business hours. 

***Newspaper Delivery, Club Members such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and 4H, Local residents and Farmers, Students of local schools conducting projects sponsored by the school, Route delivery persons, and Resale or Institutional Use persons are exempt from the permit requirement.